Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Welcome To My Blog!

Welcome to Curly Wavy Care! This blog is intended to teach people with curly or wavy hair how to take care of it and how to love their natural texture. Up until I was 16, I never liked my natural hair. I straightened it every day to try and "tame" it.  I realized that I didn't like the look of straight hair on me. I would look at my hair after I got out of the shower and admire the waves. I wished my hair could look like that forever. I looked at pictures of girls with curly and wavy hair and was jealous of how beautiful it was. It wasn't until one eventful week, where I was feeling lazy, that I stopped putting heat on my hair. I didn't have time to straighten my hair, so I decided to go to school with my natural hair pulled back. After that, I stopped caring about how my hair looked. I thought that if I just put it up, then I could get away with not straightening it. After awhile, I noticed that my hair was damaged and began the necessary steps to heal it. I cut my hair and did something revolutionary. I stopped treating my hair like it was straight. I started watching videos online and reading blogs dedicated to curly and wavy hair. I learned so much about my hair and how to take care of it. I was starting to actually love my hair. My whole perspective changed when I met my brother's girlfriend. When I first met her, I immediately noticed her beautiful curls. However, she told me that she HATED her curly hair and always straightened it. She said that her hair was ugly if she didn't put heat on it and it was impossible to take care of. When she said that, I immediately realized that a lot of people who hate their textured hair hate it because they think it's impossible to take care of. They don't like their hair because they don't know how to take care of it. My goal with this blog is to teach people how to take care of their hair so they can start to love it. I will be sharing advice on how to repair damaged hair, product recommendations, and much more. I hope through reading my blog you start to appreciate your beautiful hair, just the way it is.

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